Sleepless nights - how Reiki can help

Case StudiesReikiHealth and Wellness Blog 7 April 2018

Reiki case study for sleeping issues

The session started out with the client filling out the treatment card. The client did point out sleeping issues so I made a note of it on treatment card.

I ask to confirm any allergies and if she mind if I saged the room.

Client said it was ok so I set a new sheet on table asked if she was ok with oils burning and I burn a linen oil. Client took shoes off and laid on table.
Ask client about comfort and she said she was ok. I played some lite meditation music in the back so client can get more in a relaxed state. I informed client I would be starting from the head and ending at the feet. As client had eyes close I wrote the cho koi rei symbol and the sei he ki symbol has a sandwich on my hand. After doing that I center my self in the back of client head and resumed the Gassho hand position to connect to reiki and ground my self. I scanned the client body to pick up any additional areas of focus.

My client seem very relaxed which I take as a good sign so I proceed by starting at my client crown chakra, placing my hand vertically just above her head I hold this position for 5 min I then move on to her third eye holding position for 5 mins. As I was positioning my hands I seen client go in to a deep meditative state. I moved my hands to the side of the ears and held the position. It’s at this point I start to feel my hand warm up more, I continue to move to the next position. I am now on the shoulders I hold it for 5 min then move to the throat chakra.

At the throat chakra I don’t place my hands directly on her neck but just above it. I then start to focus on the heart chakra I place one hand on the heart and my other hand under her back, I hold this position for about 6 mins. I am starting to feel the energy in my hand stronger as I move to each position. I now move to the side of my client to position my self on the solar plexus. I spend about 7 mins on that area and then move to next position. I am now at the middle abdomen with my fingers together and not spread apart I move to the sacral chakra. I do start to feel a tingle which signifies to me a blockage seeing the sacaral has to do with reproductive system and creative energy I have a idea on how to consult the client so make a mental note about it. I spend as much time on it until the feeling has gone.

My next position I need client on back so I gently say client name to get them to lie on there back. I start at the base and I place my hand on client back of head, I hold that position for about 5 mins. I place hands on back of the shoulders hold the position for five mins then move on to middle of back. I make sure to spend just as much as time there. I then move to lower back, I spend five mins on that position . I re position my self to get the root chakra of client, I spent a little bit more time there because of tingles in hand as well. I now ask my client if she was ready to turn back over she said yes and also mention that the oil was really relaxing smell. When client was back on back I continue to give reiki starting now on the thighs and soon after ending with the feet to hopefully help client feel more grounded after the session, I access client once again with a energy sweep. I let client lay in the moment for a couple more mins then I let her know I was done. I went to wash hands in cold water to disconnect and ask client to sit in the chair to access how she was feeling. The client said she felt very relaxed and lighter. I told client I would contact her in two days to get a follow up of how she was doing.

Contacted client to get feedback from her and it was as follows client said the apparent changes after first day was a good nights rest, feeling extremely relaxed after had left the session. I contacted the client the day after to follow up, this time I ask if client has notice any changes emotionally. She Thought about it and the only thing she said she can think of was that client felt like she been a little bit more talkative even to people she would not usually talk to. I made a note of the change. The client also mention she still hasn’t had a anxiety episode, she said she sometimes have them three times a day on a good day. I noted that as being a big change for client.
The observation she mention she felt a little more optimistic which slowed down her anxiety. Client said she thoroughly enjoyed treatment and would like to do it again.

Case study has proven to be successful and have apparent results from client. It has proven to be a method to reduce stress in this situation and lift clients spirits. I believe having the right atmosphere for client also help out client at ease. Oils and meditative music I feel are good compliments to accompany the reiki. I believe with continued treatment client will continue to show improvement.

The treatment consists of me positioning my self with each chakra.
Third eye
Solar plexus

Spending at least five mins or each also using additional hand positions to get more detailed areas covered. After treatment I noticed my own energy feeling drain a little. Noted to drink more water before I give a session and definitely after. Overall I feel case study was a positive experience for both client and practitioner.

Free guide to chakras

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