Holistic & Wellness Blog

Holistic and complementary therapies are all covered in this blog including case studies and articles. Luna Holistics is dedicated to offering a wide range of topics, case studies and information on complementary, spiritual and holistic therapies and well-being.

Tips and Ideas, Training Courses, How to get accredited, How to work as a professional Therapist, how to get holistic insurance cover and much more….

How to read tarot cards for beginners

2 April 2019

How to read tarot cards for beginners

HOW TO READ TAROT … Case study and example of a tarot reading … If you want to learn how to read tarot cards and are a…

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Bach Flower Remedies - How to use them

15 March 2019

Bach Flower Remedies - How to use them

Case study for Bach Flower Remedies …  Consultation to avoid possible surgery for Back Problem … This is a genuine case…

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Kaleidoscope Of The Heart: The Healing Power Of Music

3 March 2019

Kaleidoscope Of The Heart: The Healing Power Of Music

Many people like music and I often listen to my favorite genres including classic and rock on CDs at home and on my…

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Swedish Massage Case study

29 January 2019

Swedish Massage Case study

Swedish massage example … This is a complete case study example from one of our student having studied our Swedish…

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How to Navigate a Career Change With Less Stress

4 January 2019

How to Navigate a Career Change With Less Stress

Career Change and tips for a good interview with no Stress … Making a career change is exciting – you’re setting…

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Cupping Therapy and How it works

28 November 2018

Cupping Therapy and How it works

Cupping Therapy Case study … Learn how cupping therapy works … Initial Client Consultation – Client presenting…

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Energy Healing 

5 November 2018

Energy Healing 

Types of Energy Healing … Understand the different and vaired types of healing that come under the umbrella of Energy…

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4 Natural Remedies to Sleep

29 October 2018

4 Natural Remedies to Sleep

Best Sleep Remedies … More than a third of American adults are not getting enough sleep on a regular basis according to…

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how to practice reiki level 1

15 October 2018

how to practice reiki level 1

How to carry out & practice a full Reiki Treatment & Consultation … How to practice Reiki … Preparation of Room…

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Building a Crystal Healing Kit

8 October 2018

Building a Crystal Healing Kit

When you first start to work with crystals you will want to have a basic healing kit that you can add to overtime. It…

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Top 5 Detox Oils

1 October 2018

Top 5 Detox Oils

Detox Essential Oils … In need of  detox? Try these Tips … New Year. This is often the time when we reflect on the year…

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How to Purify your Energy

15 September 2018

How to Purify your Energy

Purify Your Energy To Stay Healthy and Stress Free … By: Laura M. Turner, M.S., CHHP … Eastern healers believe the body…

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