Holistic & Wellness Blog

Holistic and complementary therapies are all covered in this blog including case studies and articles. Luna Holistics is dedicated to offering a wide range of topics, case studies and information on complementary, spiritual and holistic therapies and well-being.

Tips and Ideas, Training Courses, How to get accredited, How to work as a professional Therapist, how to get holistic insurance cover and much more….

Meditation is the Modern Medicine

9 August 2020

Meditation is the Modern Medicine

Why meditation is now the new medicine … Meditation can be of many types, but most of them can be traced back to…

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Animal Therapy for Schnauzer Dog with Arthritis

5 August 2020

Animal Therapy for Schnauzer Dog with Arthritis

Case study of: (name and age of client) Molly – 8 year old Schnauzer … Details of treatment: Background … Molly is an 8…

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3 Reasons To Use CBD In Massage Therapy

16 July 2020

3 Reasons To Use CBD In Massage Therapy

Does using CBD oil for massage work? In this stressful world, the build-up of impurities masks our natural health…

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Best health tips for your Zodiac Sign

30 June 2020

Best health tips for your Zodiac Sign

Astrology: Wellness Tips for Each Zodiac Sign … We all experience stress at one point or another, it’s an aspect of…

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Knowing When To Hit The Spiritual Reset Button

2 June 2020

Knowing When To Hit The Spiritual Reset Button

Is it time to hit the Spiritual Reset Button … If you want to achieve your goals, then a spiritual reset may be just…

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How to Keep Your Immune System Strong

23 May 2020

How to Keep Your Immune System Strong

How to Keep Your Immune System Strong? Irregular sleep schedules, excessive work pressure, stress and junk food affect…

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Online Therapy: What Is It And What Are The Benefits?

11 May 2020

Online Therapy: What Is It And What Are The Benefits?

Are there Benefits to Online Therapy? New technologies facilitate therapy from home, which has the same efficacy as…

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Should I have a Vaccine?

28 April 2020

Should I have a Vaccine?

How do you know if the vaccine shot is going to harm or help you? This is a question that has been asked by everyone at…

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Why is green known as the colour of healing

1 April 2020

Why is green known as the colour of healing

Green – How this colour effects you … The Colour Green has been associated with money, finances &  banking and also…

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How Can You Get Relief from Mental Depression with Emotional Support Animals?

23 February 2020

How Can You Get Relief from Mental Depression with Emotional Support Animals?

Emotional support animals are way different than regular pets. They are specifically for people who are going through…

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The Second Chakra

4 January 2020

The Second Chakra

The 2nd Chakra … Colour: Orange … Element: Water … Sense: Taste … Symbols:  6 petalled lotus … Associated Organs:

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Henna Brows – should you have them?

13 November 2019

Henna Brows – should you have them?

Henna Brows – Your questions answered … Who would have henna brows? –  Henna brows are beneficial for clients wanting a…

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