Holistic & Wellness Blog

Holistic and complementary therapies are all covered in this blog including case studies and articles. Luna Holistics is dedicated to offering a wide range of topics, case studies and information on complementary, spiritual and holistic therapies and well-being.

Tips and Ideas, Training Courses, How to get accredited, How to work as a professional Therapist, how to get holistic insurance cover and much more….

What is Colour Therapy?

2 March 2014

What is Colour Therapy?

Colour and Emotions … It is known that when Psychologists started studying the effects of colour that colour can…

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Healing with Reiki

4 February 2014

Healing with Reiki

Healing Purposely with Reiki … By: Samantha Hall … Reiki can be a powerful tool for personal growth and healing.

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Choosing Crystals

19 December 2013

Choosing Crystals

Choosing which crystal to use can seem quite a daunting task at first as there are just so many to choose from. Having…

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5th Chakra

26 November 2013

5th Chakra

Colour: Pale blue, also silver or greenish blue … Element: Ether … Sense: Hearing … Symbols: 16 petalled lotus …

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3rd Chakra

15 November 2013

3rd Chakra

Colour: Yellow to Golden … Element: Fire … Sense: Sight … Symbols: 10- petalled lotus … Associated Organs: Lower back…

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Crystal Massage

30 October 2013

Crystal Massage

Massage is suitable for everyone and has the following beneficial results. • improves circulation … • calms the nervous…

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Its the Thought that Counts

16 September 2013

Its the Thought that Counts

Can just thinking about someone really help them to heal? How can just thinking about someone make them feel better? It…

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Guardian Angels from Birth

9 September 2013

Guardian Angels from Birth

Did you know that your guardian angel is with your from the moment of birth. Some say even before. Their job is to…

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Free Courses for Every Student

17 July 2013

Free Courses for Every Student

Holistic Free Guides … We are very proud to offer only high quality accredited diploma and certificate courses.

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