Holistic & Wellness Blog

Holistic and complementary therapies are all covered in this blog including case studies and articles. Luna Holistics is dedicated to offering a wide range of topics, case studies and information on complementary, spiritual and holistic therapies and well-being.

Tips and Ideas, Training Courses, How to get accredited, How to work as a professional Therapist, how to get holistic insurance cover and much more….

What Dreams are you having?

13 February 2015

What Dreams are you having?

TYPES OF DREAMS … Daydreams … Studies show that we all have the tendency to … daydream an average of 70-120 minutes a…

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Chakra & Aura Healing Case Study

18 November 2014

Chakra & Aura Healing Case Study

Details of treatment … Client suffers from anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. He also has Chronic Fatigue…

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Crystal Therapy Treatment - Case Study

12 November 2014

Crystal Therapy Treatment - Case Study

Time started:  8:00pm                          …

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Angel Therapy Consultation

3 November 2014

Angel Therapy Consultation

If you have ever wondered what its like to have a angel therapy treatment then read our case study taken from one of…

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Psychic & Spiritual Development Case Study

13 October 2014

Psychic & Spiritual Development Case Study

   … I am a Reiki Master with a small practice.  I have been working on a client who’s dog had…

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Crown Chakra - 7TH

18 August 2014

Crown Chakra - 7TH

Colour: Violet, also white and gold  … Symbols: 1000 petalled lotus … Associated Part of the body:

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Sixth Chakra - Third Eye

15 August 2014

Sixth Chakra - Third Eye

Colour: Indigo, also yellow or violet  … Sense: All senses including ESP. Symbols: 96 petalled lotus … Associated…

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Hot Stone Massage Treatment - Case Study

5 August 2014

Hot Stone Massage Treatment - Case Study

Case study of: (client age 53) Date:  (29 july 2014) Time started:    6pm                                  Time…

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Chakra and Aura Treatment

8 July 2014

Chakra and Aura Treatment

My client was a 36yr old female who was going through emotional turmoil as she had just discovered that…

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23 May 2014


If you are a sugar addict then you are not alone. A household survey in both the US and UK discovered that the average…

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Aura Cleansing & Clearing

22 April 2014

Aura Cleansing & Clearing

How to cleanse Auras … AURA CLEANSING …  It is vital to the health of the patient that the flow of energy in the…

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How to Balance the Body with Crystals

17 March 2014

How to Balance the Body with Crystals

Balancing the Body with Crystals … This crystal healing technique is often used and requires seven clear quartz…

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