Holistic & Wellness Blog: Flower Remedies

Learn about bach flower remedies

How to choose the right perfume for you

17 February 2021

How to choose the right perfume for you

Choosing the right scent … Blending oils is a skill of its own. This is why perfumers are paid so much money. It can be…

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Using Bach Flower remedies for Anxiety

15 January 2021

Using Bach Flower remedies for Anxiety

Flower Bach remedies consultation for Anxiety … Bach Flower Remedies for Anxiety … Initial consultation – My client is…

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Using Kinesiology &  Bach Flower Remedies on babies

24 August 2017

Using Kinesiology & Bach Flower Remedies on babies

FLOWER ESSENCE REMEDIES … Case Study for help with baby using kinesiology and Bach flower remedies … Kinesiology…

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