Holistic & Wellness Blog: Chakras

Learn about chakras and auras with our online chakra courses

How to close your Chakras

3 May 2021

How to close your Chakras

Closing Chakras … If you have had a hard day or having been doing some therapy work then its important to close down…

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The Second Chakra

4 January 2020

The Second Chakra

The 2nd Chakra … Colour: Orange … Element: Water … Sense: Taste … Symbols:  6 petalled lotus … Associated Organs:

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Chakra and Aura Healing - Case Study Example

21 May 2019

Chakra and Aura Healing - Case Study Example

This is a genuine case study showing how this student performed a full chakra and aura session on their client.

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Root Chakra

8 September 2018

Root Chakra

The Root Chakra & Meaning … Learn more about the root chakra and what part of your body this effects … Colour: Red…

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4th Chakra

1 August 2018

4th Chakra

Discover the meanings of the 4th Chakra – Heart Chakra … Purpose and Function of 4th Chakra … This chakra is at…

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Chakra and Aura Case study

16 May 2016

Chakra and Aura Case study

Chakra and Aura Consultation … Details of  chakra treatment : Prior to Client’s treatment I washed my hands and then…

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Crown Chakra - 7TH

18 August 2014

Crown Chakra - 7TH

Colour: Violet, also white and gold  … Symbols: 1000 petalled lotus … Associated Part of the body:

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Sixth Chakra - Third Eye

15 August 2014

Sixth Chakra - Third Eye

Colour: Indigo, also yellow or violet  … Sense: All senses including ESP. Symbols: 96 petalled lotus … Associated…

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Chakra and Aura Treatment

8 July 2014

Chakra and Aura Treatment

My client was a 36yr old female who was going through emotional turmoil as she had just discovered that…

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5th Chakra

26 November 2013

5th Chakra

Colour: Pale blue, also silver or greenish blue … Element: Ether … Sense: Hearing … Symbols: 16 petalled lotus …

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3rd Chakra

15 November 2013

3rd Chakra

Colour: Yellow to Golden … Element: Fire … Sense: Sight … Symbols: 10- petalled lotus … Associated Organs: Lower back…

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