Holistic & Wellness Blog: Case Studies

Read case studies from students studying with luna holistics offering a wide variety of genuine feedback and holistic treatments of clients

Holistic counselling for stress

9 October 2017

Holistic counselling for stress

Counselling for stress issues … Offering holistic counselling … A Client initially called me for an holistic…

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Overcoming negative self talk - Life coaching

12 September 2017

Overcoming negative self talk - Life coaching

Life coaching session for negative self talk … Details of Consultation: I began the session by thanking Client for…

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Using Kinesiology &  Bach Flower Remedies on babies

24 August 2017

Using Kinesiology & Bach Flower Remedies on babies

FLOWER ESSENCE REMEDIES … Case Study for help with baby using kinesiology and Bach flower remedies … Kinesiology…

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Palmistry Case study - Woman over 50

3 August 2017

Palmistry Case study - Woman over 50

Case Study of Palmistry Reading … Introduction: Showing the following picture and knowing only that these hands…

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Palmistry Reading

20 July 2017

Palmistry Reading

Palmistry Reading … Case study … This student was asked the following: Please try and describe the personality traits…

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Bach Flower Remedies Case Study

5 July 2017

Bach Flower Remedies Case Study

Case study for flower remedies … How to help for issues with Dental Problems and Sleeping … Introduction: I arranged to…

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How to do a Reiki Healing Session

17 February 2017

How to do a Reiki Healing Session

Reiki Healing Treatment … Reiki consultation … Before my client arrives and before I commence any form of healing I…

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Swedish full body Massage

13 January 2017

Swedish full body Massage

Swedish Massage for Male with stress relief … Case study Example … The Client has a very stressful job and relaxation…

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Using Crystals for Heat attack Client

3 November 2016

Using Crystals for Heat attack Client

How Crystal Healing treatment can benefit after Heart attack … Example student case study … Client History: Client, 81…

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Angel healing case study for grief

14 October 2016

Angel healing case study for grief

Using Angel Therapy for Grief … Case study Example of Angel Therapy Treatment … We have many students whom complete…

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Colour Therapy For Headaches

5 October 2016

Colour Therapy For Headaches

 Using colour therapy for headaches … Colour Consultation Case study example … Using Colour Therapy for headaches is…

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Reflexology for Anxiety

8 September 2016

Reflexology for Anxiety

Reflexology consultation for anxiety … Case study Example … Details of treatment : HISTORY: Client is a married 37yr…

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