Holistic & Wellness Blog: Case Studies

Read case studies from students studying with luna holistics offering a wide variety of genuine feedback and holistic treatments of clients

How to choose the right perfume for you

17 February 2021

How to choose the right perfume for you

Choosing the right scent … Blending oils is a skill of its own. This is why perfumers are paid so much money. It can be…

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Bach Flower Remedies for Carers

2 February 2021

Bach Flower Remedies for Carers

Using Bach Flower Remedies for Carers … Case study of carer looking after someone with Diabetes & Depression …

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Using Bach Flower remedies for Anxiety

15 January 2021

Using Bach Flower remedies for Anxiety

Flower Bach remedies consultation for Anxiety … Bach Flower Remedies for Anxiety … Initial consultation – My client is…

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Cupping Therapy – A Case Study

27 October 2019

Cupping Therapy – A Case Study

CUPPING THERAPY CONSULTATION AND CASE STUDY …   … Prior to the appointment I made sure my Client was aware of any…

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Crystal Therapy Case Study – How to balance chakras

10 July 2019

Crystal Therapy Case Study – How to balance chakras

  … Crystal Therapy Chakra Balancing Case study … Crystal Healing Consultation … Based upon the consultation, I felt…

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Thinking of going vegan – an introduction

21 May 2019

Thinking of going vegan – an introduction

Introduction to becoming vegan – Case Study … Your Step by Step Guide … Whilst studying for this vegan and vegetarian…

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How to read tarot cards for beginners

2 April 2019

How to read tarot cards for beginners

HOW TO READ TAROT … Case study and example of a tarot reading … If you want to learn how to read tarot cards and are a…

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Bach Flower Remedies - How to use them

15 March 2019

Bach Flower Remedies - How to use them

Case study for Bach Flower Remedies …  Consultation to avoid possible surgery for Back Problem … This is a genuine case…

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Swedish Massage Case study

29 January 2019

Swedish Massage Case study

Swedish massage example … This is a complete case study example from one of our student having studied our Swedish…

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Cupping Therapy and How it works

28 November 2018

Cupping Therapy and How it works

Cupping Therapy Case study … Learn how cupping therapy works … Initial Client Consultation – Client presenting…

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how to practice reiki level 1

15 October 2018

how to practice reiki level 1

How to carry out & practice a full Reiki Treatment & Consultation … How to practice Reiki … Preparation of Room…

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How to use reflexology for stress relief & weight loss

6 July 2018

How to use reflexology for stress relief & weight loss

Reflexology case study … How to use reflexology to help with stress and weight loss … My client sat in a chair and I…

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