Holistic & Wellness Blog: Angels

Learn about angels with lots of articles blogs, and genuine angel messages and case studies

Building an Angel Alter

13 November 2020

Building an Angel Alter

How To Build An Angel Alter …   … Alters – Many people are a little unsure what an actual angel alter is or why you…

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Meet your guardian angel

30 October 2017

Meet your guardian angel

How to meet your Guardian Angel … My client wanted to know how to meet her angel. In this case study we discover how I…

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Angel healing case study for grief

14 October 2016

Angel healing case study for grief

Using Angel Therapy for Grief … Case study Example of Angel Therapy Treatment … We have many students whom complete…

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Advanced Angel Therapy Consultation

3 February 2016

Advanced Angel Therapy Consultation

Angel Therapy Case Study – for stress with caring for an elderly relative … Completed by one of our students for…

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Guardian Angels from Birth

9 September 2013

Guardian Angels from Birth

Did you know that your guardian angel is with your from the moment of birth. Some say even before. Their job is to…

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