3 Tips to stay focused

Health and Wellness Blog 14 September 2015

There are many areas of our lives that need organizing; the mail, the kid’s room(s), our car, our desk at home/work, the refrigerator, your computer, your brain, the dogs vet visits, whew enough! I want to give you some basic steps that work really well and it will be hard at first but you CAN do it. 

Ok, I love the number 3 I like the way it looks, the fact that I can juggle 3 things (mentally I’m no juggler!) at a time and it has some magical properties behind it. To begin your day I want you to write down 3 very important things you absolutely have to do. I know you have about 20 (not such a pretty number) but if you break it down in your head you will see the freedom in it.

For example; this morning I wrote 

1.      work on reflexology study work (then I crossed that out because I didn’t have to I wanted to) 

2.   check oil in my car

3.   get my time sheets ready to fax on Monday 

At this point I really only had 2 things so I had to add another must do hmmm….

1.      Watch my posture today I have 3 clients and I will have a lot of running around to do.

It’s tempting to write down work duties and all the minutia of our daily lives but this list is for the absolutes that will enhance your life. When you get to work feel free to make a list for there also but try to be very clear and concise on your absolute must do’s. Taking care of yourself is extremely important and make sure to make it one of your top 3’s of every day. Make lists for your kids to do, they can take a lot of our chores on just remember things may not come out perfect (eek!!!!) but if you ask yourself “did I try to be excellent today?” you may be surprised how organized you really are!

Life happens in the mess ups, see the joy ~ namaste’

tammy (luna student)

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